Monday, October 09, 2006

Welcome to the Jungle

We arrived in Manuas in the early afternoon and discovered quickly that 3 degrees south of the equator We found an excellent hotel near the water and craft fair called Anna Cassia, changed into cooler clothes and left to find something to eat.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with finding a place to do laundry, confirming our ecolodge, getting cash and laying by the pool. We had an excellent dinner and saw that the city completely shuts down at night.

The next morning we were picked up around 8:30 then headed by boat to the Meeting of the Water (where Rio Negro and Rio Solimes meet and form the Amazon River). Then we had a four hour boat ride to an ecolodge that turned out to be nothing like what was advertised on the website. Danny was to sleep in a Hammock and Nate and I had a room. We knew the lodge would not have electricity, but were surprised the sink and shower were water from the river and emptied back into it. It was also much smaller and simplier than the pictures. Our activities at the lodge included piranha fishing, wildlife viewing, Caiman spotting at night and a jungle trek. Danny quickly received the nickname Jungle Boy by our guide Reuban who was hilarious!

We bet who would catch the first fish and Kristy won by default because both Danny and Nate lost their lines when the "caught" a tree. We each were able to hold a 9 month old caiman, swing from a vine, see a rubber tree and try all types of jungle plants. After 24 hours of no showering Nate and Danny found their own special deorant also. Rueban also held a tarantula that was huge and hairy.

As a group, we decided to leave a day early and miss a canoe ride (with 8 people in a canoe) and a visit a native village (not Indigenous) and actually eat a decent meal not supplemented with protien bars. We had a large pizza and our 87 degree room never felt so good!

Sunday was relaxing with a little touring around and at night we saw 20 minutes of ashow in the Teatro Amazonas. Only 20 minutes because we were in the four level of an old building with no a/c, everything was in Portugese and Danny was not allowed in wearing shorts.

Today was shopping and more sighth seeing. We all leave tonight at 3:30 am to fly to Brasilia then we part ways and Danny is back in AZ by Wednesday morning and we arrive in Capetown Wednesday afternoon. We shared lots of laughs and new experiences with Danny!


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