Sunday, September 17, 2006

Pura Vida Mae

There are no words fitting to describe Tabacon. Relaxing, soothing, amazing, a natural oasis do not do it justice. We took full advantage to rest our weary bones (from a long bumpy ride both in the car and on horseback). We had a private yoga class one morning in a hut in the rainforest. It was Nate´s first time and his highlight was a quick nap at the end (just proving how relaxed he was). We spent the days going from hot spring to hot spring and broke up the ¨monatony¨ by eating, laying by the pool or going down the slide. The volcano did not dissappoint as we had numerous sighting of lava during the day and the night! What an amazing natural phemoninon to see. The only surprise at Tabacon (besides a wonderful message from Aunt MAry) was a FLAT TIRE!! We (Nate and Chad) were attempting to change the tire when a friendly Tico (what people from Costa Rica call themselves) with a huge grin asked if he could help. In 5 minutes he was standing up shaking our hands and on his way. We drove into La Fortuna the town close to Tabacon and 5 mintutes and almost one dollar later we were on our way! Nate likes to say we had a tire repaired, spent a half hour on the internet and bought chips and two gatorades all for under $5. Isn´t obvious why I love this country?

We are now in San Jose with the family I lived with when I lived in Costa Rica. They were so excited to see us and us them!! We spent yesterday at my ¨sister´s¨ house in the moutains and cooked out on a fire, played with her four year old (Jose Pablo) then went to a bar to watch Saprissa (soccer team from San Jose) play. Oh I should tell you Nate was in jail yesterday, Jose Pablo locked up Nate in his room and closed the windows, door and turned off all the lights because he was in jail I had to break him out. It was adorable!! It was a relaxing fun way to spend a saturday. Today we are going into San Jose to buy Danny a hammock and have some lunch. Before we come back to the house for a mini fiesta. The spanish is going well although Nate sometimes tunes out altogther. It is great practice for Argentina!

We leave tomorrow afternoon to fly to Buenos Aires with a stop in Panama City. We are to arrive at 5 am so it will be a long day.

Thank you to all who have written to us and are keeping us updated on your lives. We miss you and think of you often. I will now attempt to send a few pictures of the lava, hot springs and Nate and Jose Pablo (age 4).


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