Thursday, December 07, 2006

We came to the land Down Under

As previously meantioned, we left Noosa to drive to Brisbane stopping midway (1 hour) to visit the Australia Zoo, home of Steve Irwin (AKA Steve-O, the crocidile hunter). We arrived in the rain hoping the weather might keep some people away. It was hard to decide a plan for the day because of all the events, shows and feedings they offer. We made it to the elephant feeding (see picture), tortoise feeding, Snake, Bird and Croc shows (CRIKEY) in the Crocoseum (seating for 5,000). We also saw a large number of other animals, but the highlights had to be the Koala and Kangaroo areas where you can pet, feed and play with the animals (see pictures). What a unique zoo expereince. They stressed ways to save animals, asked for donations and safety in case of an animal encounter in the wild. It was a wonderful experience although sad given Steve's untimely death just months ago. His face and name are still on everything associated with the zoo. It will be interesting to see how/if the FACE of the zoo will become the children, Terri his widow or remain with Steve.

Driving into Brisbane was a bit unnerving. Kristy had to ask Nate to "PLEASE, get over to the right more" as old habits die hard. We were glad to return the rental car and settle in to our first Australian Pub experience. The XXXX brought back fond memories (Kristy visited her sister Katie here while she was studying abroad in the Gold Coast).

Our full day in Brisbane consisted of the Botanical Gardens, a tour of the parliment building, state building and clock tower and some shopping. We are enjoying the 80 degree weather and hoping the sunny weather sticks around as we leave for Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef tomorrow.


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