Thursday, August 24, 2006


When we tell people that at ages 26 & 27 we are travelling around the world for over 3 months after we have quit our jobs and sold our house. They often ask "WOW, how did you plan such a trip"

We answer with a small chuckle, it takes time, patience and perservance. We have used too many references to list but we most often turn to:, lonely planet, travel channel, food network and numerous friends and relatives who have been where we are going. To all those people/sources, we are very greatful!

After the initial research of where we wanted to visit, we ruled out places we had previously visited (exception Costa Rica) , where we know we will get back (I.E. Europe, Carribbean) and anywhere that our parents would lose sleep over (I.E. Iran, Iraq).

We then attempted to secure an "Around the World plane ticket". After numberous, long phone calls, one small freak out and lots of spreadsheet revisions later we are flying on a Continential Around the World Ticket.

Then came the challanging task of a budget. For any who knows us, insert joke about being frugal, penny piches etc. This was accomplished with, lonely planet and online resources.

The next step was roping all of are immediate family to meet us along the way! After these steps we: had to get 6 visas, travellers checks, a new credit card that does not charge 3% for international charges, immunizations, hotels, tours, intra continent flights in South America, South East Asia and Australia, discount cards, phone get the picture!

All that being said anyone CAN do this but my advise is: be organized, ask for help and start early!!!!